Strong Roots for Growing Business
It is our mission to bring growth and prosperity to Crossett. To attract new industry we must insure that our workforce meets the needs of prospective employers. Machinery and equipment are only as efficient as the people who operate them. Workforce has been a big topic in the news, as the national economy continues to struggle. Our community is part of a ten-county area that is the only regionally certified Workready Community.
Click here to learn about the ACT Work Ready Communities Alumni
This allows our educators and economic developers to have access to locally derived hard data. This data allows our educators to craft programs to assist workers as they prepare themselves for the new workforce. It also allows economic developers to provide the information companies require when looking to locate to South Arkansas.
Click here to learn about the ACT Work Ready Communities Alumni
This allows our educators and economic developers to have access to locally derived hard data. This data allows our educators to craft programs to assist workers as they prepare themselves for the new workforce. It also allows economic developers to provide the information companies require when looking to locate to South Arkansas.
In today's job market, applicants must have the skills and training to compete for job opportunities. And conversely, businesses must hire the best trained and best qualified applicant to compete in the marketplace. If you are a job seeker looking for training or if you are a business looking for ways to train your workforce, please visit, This web site will provide links to information that can be valuable to both business and job seekers.
Does your business need help through the economic stress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic? Check out these resources and let us know if you need further assistance.
Welcome to crossett
![]() The City of Crossett is located just eight miles from the Arkansas/Louisiana line in the heart of the Arkansas fiber basket. With strong roots in the forestry and forest products industry, Crossett has long been known as the "Forestry Capital of the South." Along with roots in the forestry industry, the workforce of Crossett operates in some of the most modern automated/robotic manufacturing settings in the world.
The strong presence of manufacturing has allowed the workforce of Crossett to diversify skills and provide ready solutions to local manufactures with strong local support industries. These local support industries allow manufactures to focus on what they do best, and leave the maintenance and supply business to companies specializing in keeping the assembly line humming. Crossett is also home to one of the most well-respected workforce development institutions in the state, University of Arkansas at Monticello, College of Technology--Crossett. Specializing in what local businesses need such as Advanced Manufacturing Technology, General Technology, and Industrial Technology, Crossett's workforce development has kept pace with the changing needs of a modern workplace.
And if your business needs people with four-year degrees, Crossett sits with in an hours drive of the University of Arkansas at Monticello, the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Louisiana Tech University, and SouthArk Community College at El Dorado. Southern Arkansas University is approximately seventy-five miles from Crossett and has one of the fastest growing accredited engineering programs in Arkansas. |
Related Links
Listen to Nick Andrews discuss Opportunity Zones and Crossett, Arkansas. |